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How to support my works?

You could support my works by:

Here are different ways to make a donation:

In this case, please do not hesitate to send me, in example, an e-mail through my contact form: , so I will know it faster.

Recipient name Thomas Conte Copy to clipboard
IBAN BE62 0013 0347 2761 Copy to clipboard
BIC GEBABEBB Copy to clipboard
Suggested communication IT donation Copy to clipboard

Whenever we meet.

Please note that a PayPal donation will be subject to Paypal's current fees.

Coin Network Address MEMO Minimum deposit Comments
BTC logo from Binance BTC — Bitcoin BTC — Bitcoin 3Kv7nQUFeJwjZ9appLCSQ5MB12V7naAz3S Copy to clipboard (none) ? Send only BTC to this deposit address.
ETH logo from Binance ETH — Etherum ETH — Etherum 0xF4e5EDef9a1144DA21e72E383a6eb11336347BE6 Copy to clipboard (none) ? Send only ETH to this deposit address.

Lists of purchases that could help me with photography, video etc... As you may see, the items I would need to progress, or even possibly just to keep lights on in these activities, are not necessarily cheap...

Company Link Website Comment
Amazon Fotografie und Video - Photography and video German flag from amazon
There is generally more choice on the German site, and some prices are sometimes lower.

Amazon Photographie et vidéo France flag from amazon

Amazon Photographie et vidéo - Fotografie en video - Photography and video Belgian flag from amazon
There is generally less choice on the Belgian site, more items from third party sellers.

(There no affiliate links at this moment.)