Photos and videos I have made in Toufik's events

Photo albums

Link(s) Total: 293
# [On Flickr] link [On Facebook] link Title Context Photo count Shooting time (UTC) Shooting time end (UTC) Publishing time (UTC)
12 [On Flickr] [On Facebook] 6/2/2018 Brussels, Café Floréo milonga 8th anniversary Tango 49 2018-02-06 00:00:00 2018-02-18 00:00:00
11 [On Facebook] 2/5/2017 Brussels, Café Floréo with the Gi twins Tango 19
10 [On Facebook] 20/9/2016 Brussels, Café Floréo Tango 9
9 [On Facebook] 30/8/2016 Café Floréo Tango 7
8 [On Facebook] 3/11/2015 Brussels, Milonga at Café Floréo Tango 51
7 [On Facebook] 18/8/2015 Milonga at Café Floréo Tango 26
6 [On Facebook] 3/2/2015 Brussels, 5th anniversary of milonga at Café Floréo Tango 65
5 [On Facebook] 30/12/2014 Brussels, Milonga at Café Floréo Tango 23
4 [On Facebook] 2/9/2014 Milonga at Café Floréo (experimental) Tango 8
3 [On Facebook] 15/7/2014 Milonga at Café Floréo Tango 6 2014-07-27 00:00:00
2 [On Facebook] 18/3/2014 Milonga at Café Floreo Tango 16
1 [On Facebook] 4/2/2014 Milonga at Café Floréo (Café Floréo's 4th anniversary) Tango 14 2014-02-04 22:15:52 2014-02-04 23:39:06 2014-02-09 13:22:23
# [On Flickr] link [On Facebook] link Title Context Photo count Shooting time (UTC) Shooting time end (UTC) Publishing time (UTC)
Link(s) Total: 293

Please note that many of these data may be approximately accurate. It is a huge quantity of data to gather and encode, yet, though most of my recent works are well ordered and archived with accurate and meaningful UTC timestamps, for the oldest ones it can be diffcult to be sure what the timestamps relate to (file modification? actual shooting?) and if they are UTC or not. Yet most of the timestamps are for published photos only, but some may relate to the entire shooting.